Mar 3, 2009

Esther's New Thing

Esther is once again taking on a new skill.

Over the weekend, in Anchorage, she started doing "push ups" with her fingers and toes, literally pushing her body up. She was generally only doing this when she was mad.

When she was happy and wiggling on the floor, she started making movements toward raising herself into a crawling position. She would lie on the flor and work very hard to try and get her knees under her. She didn't quit get it until last night.

Last night, as I was on the floor playing with her, she actually started to get into the crawl position. She had her tummy off the ground and was resting on her hands and knees. She can't hold it for long, but she is sure trying! She starting to get the frustrated fussies that she had when she was learning to roll over, so I know she's really going to push herself until she masters this new position. And then we're on to crawling, I'm sure.

It is just so cute to watch her try this out. I can't believe she is big enough to do this. What happened to my sweet, immobile baby? She's growing so fast! Much quicker than I thought!

She just keeps pushing herself farther. I don't know where she got her drive, but I'm proud of her!

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh! Look out Mommy! Sounds like she'll be crawling before you know it. Once that happens say good bye to any "free time" you may have had when she was able to just sit in your lap. lol
    Once she's moving, she'll be non-stop on the go! Hope you're child proofed! : )
