Mar 5, 2009

Things I was told but didn't believe until I had Esther...

I visit parenting message boards quite frequently and liked one of the posts I participated in yesterday. The question posted was one that asked "What we wish we were told before having the baby."

I enjoyed thinking of these things and thought I would post a few here. I changed it a little, though, because some of these things I was "told" about, but didn't understand until I became a mother.

Here they are! Enjoy!

What I wish I had been told or was and did not understand:
  • My love for Tim would increase so much that I could hardly contain it
  • My love for Esther would be so instant and would be constantly expanding
  • That my pregnancy hormones would stick around for a while. It gets better, but man those first months were intensely hormonal...poor Tim!
  • That nursing would be a challenge. It definitely requires patience and practice, but it is so worth the effort!
  • Routines are so important and that they learn them quite young. I'm glad I learned this quickly!
  • I would worry constantly about the health and safety of my daughter. Thank God I have the doctor's number programmed in my phone! She helps me keep my sanity and answers all my silly questions!
  • That the baby really does grow up fast. I look at her daily and wonder what happened to the little girl I held in the hospital on October 16.
  • How difficult the first month is and how it is okay if I can't be a supermom right out of the gate. Chores don't always get done and dinner isn't always on time (or even homemade) and that is okay! I'll get the hang of things eventually and everyday it gets easier!

I'll end my list there. I know there is much more I could add. And I also know this is similiar to a previous post - oh well!

I really do plan on adding photos, by the way, but I haven't had the time to upload anything recently. Maybe this weekend will offer more opportunity to goof off on the computer!

Also, for those who weren't there, Esther went to the pool on Wednesday and loved it! She was so cute - just floating around in Tim's arms, enjoying the kites hanging above her. I think the hotel pool was just too cold for her, but the Juneau pool was just right! It was a lot of fun seeing her enjoy herself!

Love you all!

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