Mar 27, 2009

Applied for a New Job

I did it! I can't believe it, but I actually applied for a new position in the state. Despite the hiring freeze, one unit is hiring for an Education Associate II and I took a chance and applied. Now I am incredibly nervous. I think my three day weekend might be shrouded by thoughts of whether or not I will get an interview. We'll see! If it's God's will, it will happen!

Please be praying that God gives me the confidence I need to interview. I am a quick learner and do fine when I'm in the position, it's just getting there that gets me (I'm horrible with interviews, FYI).

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have applied for something new. It's three steps up!

Love you all!


  1. This is fantastic! I wish you the best in your new position, In Jesus name (speaking prophetically). you are a very accomplished state worker in your current position and you have hit your stride there. It's time for a change plus we would be cubby-buddies!


  2. I can't find the hoojie. you know that dang button that makes posting comments under the right profile work correctly.
