Needless to say, this allowed us to keep up with our usual Saturday routine (which mostly includes day dreaming about getting projects done and then spending all day doing none of it). We went for our weekly drive out the road and spent most of the day shopping (so much fun!).
The shopping part became more of an adventure than it normally is. Yes, I did get a super cute purse to replace my ratty one and that was quite the find, but what topped it off was what happened at the Girl Scout cookie stand.
We had already bought ten boxes of our favorites (translation: a couple boxes that I kind of like and eight that Tim could kill off in two days) and were browsing the baby section. All of the sudden somebody came on the overhead speaker and announced that they were selling cookies up front and that the Governor would be there momentarily to help.
Tim and I looked up and smiled at each other, quickly putting down the outfit we were contemplating. Running to the front of the store, we pretended to look at produce while Sarah Palin was greeting girl scouts at the entrance. Tim asked if we should try for a picture, but I informed him that, for the first Saturday since Esther was born, I didn't have my camera. At first he suggested using our cell phones (as if those pictures ever leave the sell phone), but then he had this brilliant idea that we purchase a throw-away camera.
We rushed to the nearest self-check out and bought one right as the governor began walking around the store to "solicit" sales. Here we were, with a cart full of items we hadn't purchased, buying a camera just so we could play paparazzi. I felt funny, but Tim was determined. So off we went, baby in hand, following our governor through the store.
We get the next front entrance and I feel really stupid, so I'm pretending to browse the make-up aisle (I don't even wear make-up). Meanwhile, Tim is standing a ways from me, in sight of the governor, with our little girl in hand.
I hear the governor make a comment about my daughter and freeze in place, trying not to look conspicuous. And then Tim yells "Meg, get the camera!" That man has no qualms taking pictures with "famous people." I have no idea where he gets his confidence.
Anyway, I snatch the disposable camera from the cart and then start fumbling nervously. I think I met have said, "I'm too nervous." Sarah Palin must have thought I was a world-class idiot. I know I did.
Finally, after a few seconds of just standing there, Tim said, "I'll take a photo - go stand by the baby."
And thus, the picture we snapped was of Sarah Palin, baby, and me. As you can see, I look like a moron in the picture. But we have an ultra cute photo of Esther with the governor. I plan on placing this in her memory book!
On other fronts, our house is still messy, but man has it been a fun weekend with Esther. She's been cuter than all get out, practicing her crawling more and more (still mostly backwards, but she did make it a few inches forward), and not wanting to sleep all night anymore.
My favorite thing this weekend (other than the story I just relayed) was when Esther and I were alone in the room a couple nights ago. Tim had left the room for a moment and Es was nursing. She was getting sleepy and full, so I laid her on her side next me and then cuddled down next to her. For a moment she just smiled at me, but then started laughing - just out of the blue! This got me to laughing and for about five minutes we cuddled and laughed at each other. It was so sweet! Tim came in and joked about how his favorite girls are such night owls. And then he joined us and helped put Esther to bed. Being a mommy is such a pleasure!

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