Feb 5, 2009

We're So Blessed!

I was going to write a short bit today about Esther's newest development, and I will likely include that with this post, but I have been moved to write about how blessed Tim and I are. I follow multiple blogs, some of which involve updates on other people's children.

I do not know these people personally, but have, at one point or another, happened across their blogs. That being said, the infants of these different families are struggling with health issues, some life threatening. Reading what these parents are having to face with their little ones really brings home how blessed Tim and I are to have such a healthy little one.

Esther is strong and stubborn. She is making strides both physically and mentally - going beyond what I would expect for her age. She is beautiful and whole. We are so absolutely blessed. I look at her and I want to cry from happiness. God has really watched out for our little girl!

I admire those people who have to fight hard to keep their babies going. I can't imagine the heart ache that goes along with that kind of battle. And I pray that God will intervene and heal those little ones! I pray that they will grow and discover the destiny He has for them. I know He is already holding them tight in His arms, caring for them during these difficult times.

We've had small battles with Esther and those moments were very trying and upsetting. Still, they were easily remedied and she is doing so well! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect child! I love her so much! She brings abundant joy to Tim and I.

Here is our daughter's latest development:

Last night she started laughing. This was the first time she managed to make the laughing sound (for a few weeks now, she's been making a gurgling sound when she got happy). It was the most uplifting sound I have ever heard. It brought tears to my eyes and made me double-over with laughter. Tim had her and was singing this stupid song that, for whatever reason, Esther really loves (it's a song titled "Paper Planes" and makes no sense...but she likes how it goes "all I want to do is...boom boom boom...and take your money. Weird :)).

He was playing with her hands and singing and she started laughing hard. She laughed for about 10 minutes, stopping only because I tried calling mom and dad so they could hear. Guess she didn't like having an audience!

Needless to say, it was a wonderful development. I can't wait to hear her laugh again!

By the way, I'm trying to download a video I took of Es and I singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." It is so cute! If I can manage to get it from my camera to my computer, I'll load it here so you can watch. She was seriously singing with me :) That song is her second favorite and we sing it all the time. Her absolute favorite mommy and baby song is "Skittermerinky Dinky Dink," the theme song from a show I liked as a child (The Elephant Show). It's dorky, but sweet. She only likes it when I sing it to her, which is VERY special for me.

Be blessed everyone!

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