Today is Tim's 26 birthday. Yes, I am older than him, a fact that he likes to point out often. We are planning on spending a quiet evening at home tonight. We'll be eating stuffed peppers (Tim's new favorite...he keeps requesting it) and yellow cake with cream cheese frosting. I'm hoping I can get everything done before midnight :) I am very excited to give him his presents...I'll post later about what I got him :) (not that he really reads this blog, but you know how it goes).
Also - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I love you! Thank you for all of your love and support. You have been a blessing to me and are now a blessing to my family! May this be a wonderful day for you and an even better year! (Mom and Tim share a was a very funny coincidence!)
Okay, now onto our baby updates:
Esther turned four months yesterday! It is so hard to believe that it has been four months since our little girl entered this world. So much has changed in such a short time. She went from being this barely active (yet incredibly cute and sweet) newborn, to being this incredibly active, opinionated little baby (who is so beautiful and sweet that I nearly cry from happiness every time I look at her).
She received her four month shots last night and was very brave. She cried a little when the nurse gave the shots, but not nearly as much as she did at her two month appointment. And she got over the shock fairly quick, which helped me too. I nursed her before and after and I think it might have eased things a bit. It also helped to have her daddy there to hold her during her shots. Trust me, I am not the best around needles! Especially when they are being given to my child.
But now our baby is once again protected against certain diseases and I am happy about that!
The doctor said she is very healthy and also mentioned that our daughter seems to be at a six month plus level (ahead of a lot marks for her age - she's rolling both ways, standing for short times, chattering away, etc.). This is partially why Esther has been getting so fussy whenever Tim and I are away from her. According to Dr. Amy, because Esther is proving to be ahead, she's likely going through separation anxiety (the realization that mommy and daddy aren't always near by) at an early age. Most often, little ones don't experience this until 6 to 9 months, when they become more aware of their surroundings and their parents proximity to them.
I have no idea how we managed to have such a smart daughter, but we do and it kind of scares me. Okay, I am being a little sarcastic, but it really does make me wonder how it will be handling a smart cookie like Esther who figures things out very quickly!
Anyway, on other fronts, Esther has finally managed to roll over completely in her sleep, in spite of the little bumpers at her side in the bassinet. She did this last night. It is cute and worrisome at the same time. As most know, tummy sleeping is not recommended for infants under one year due to an increased risk of SIDS. Tim and I have held a pretty tight line with this, because we do not want to endanger our child. Still, we can't stop her from doing it herself, especially when we're asleep. So, I will just trust that God is watching out for our little one. Besides, she is a stubborn, strong little girl and I believe that she isn't really at high risk (not that I will let my guard down).
We still plan to back sleep her every time and hope that she'll stay in that position (not likely). She didn't turn over until about an hour before we woke up this morning, so it wasn't too long on her belly. Besides, she looked so incredibly cute when we woke up this morning.
She just keeps getting cuter by the day. I didn't think it was possible, but between Tim and Esther, my heart grows fuller by the hour. I love them both so much!
Well, I will sign off for now. I've done enough bragging for a few days. I love you all! Enjoy the pictures below of Esther and Tim. The one of Tim was taken at the Shrine of St. Theresa on Saturday. It was wonderfully sunny and the walk to the point was warm. We looked over the cliff's edge and were entertained by a huge group of sea lions frolicking in the water. It was a blast to watch! Plus, we got to meet a lot of interesting people out there (many from out of town), which is always fun!
Esther sleeping this morning

Practicing standing with daddy. She prefers standing these days...
Our valentine's day walk...what a great day!
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