Feb 3, 2009

Rolling Over Escapades

Esther has become the queen of rolling over. As stated previously, she finally rolled from back to tummy on Sunday. Yesterday, however, she started applying that skill to everything - her car seat, my desk while I was changing her, etc. She makes diaper changes VERY interesting, because you have to wrangle her to get her to stay flat on the diaper. I nearly died of laughter while she did that work (she kept rolling to try and chew on a phone cord on my desk).

It is so wonderfully cute and is so completely satisfying for her. It is as if she is trying to show the world that her days of immobility are quickly fleeing. I don't know if I should welcome this or if I should be a little sad. Frankly, I'm somewhere in between!
All last night, she rolled from one end of the living room to the next. She had her favorite toy to entertain her and she was happy to chase it around. It was the longest she has stayed awake, without fussing, to play. It was so cute and entertaining!
I wish I could say it equalled an earlier bed time, but she still decided to fight sleep until midnight :). Oh well!

Anyway, here are some pictures of her rolling over in our living room!

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