Feb 24, 2009
First Trip Tomorrow
I'm keeping in mind some pointers I received from a baby group here in town, but I still feel ill-prepared. I am not even packed yet. I want to check-in an hour early because I'm nervous about seating (especially since I would like to be next to Tim). Still, I have to go to work for an hour in the morning, which means racing out to the house with just enough time to pick up Tim and Esther. Guess that means we'll have an insane evening! Not that this is too much of a stretch for us - it's been a crazy couple of weeks!
The other thing I am concerned about is the actual air travel. I have been told that it helps to nurse on the take-off and landing, but how do you do that if you're between two complete strangers (hence the reason I want Tim next to me)? And what if she starts fussing during the flight? People aren't always forgiving when they travel.
I'm sure it will turn out okay! And, besides, at the end of the day we'll be in Anchorage together on our first family trip (I won't call it a vacation, because I'll be working half of the time).
I just can't wait to get some time to just chill with my family. It will be fun checking out the children's books at the big book stores up north. I've browsed them before, but now I have a good reason to! My entire reason for shopping has changed :)
And the food...okay, so I like to eat..I can't wait to eat at places we don't have here in town! I know Tim is looking forward to Burger King. I think he'd also like to go to Golden Corral. I personally want a Frosty. What can I say, it's a classic!
Anyway, we're bringing our cameras so maybe we'll get a picture of Esther with a full-size moose :) Or maybe not. Either way, we'll document our trip and try to post pictures when we return!
Here's praying for good travel!
Love you all!
Feb 23, 2009
Regarding My Blog...
Overall, I am glad that others read it and that they feel free to comment.Still, while I don't mind comments, I do not appreciate the content of some of them (and, yes, I have deleted the ones I find offensive).
First, let me state that I do believe my daughter is advanced and this is not only because the doctor has stated such. My pediatrician is very straight-forward and mindful of the average stages of development for infants and lets us know it like it is. I have also read up on child development and have spoken with several people with infants. Not all children develop at the same time. This isn't a bad thing - every child is different and some develop their motors skills before others. Esther just happens to be the kind of baby that hates immobility. Both my husband and I were like this as babies, so it is no surprise that our daughter is.
If what I write about my daughter offends or demeans anyone in any way, I am sorry, but I have the freedom to "brag" all I want about my child. I can almost bet that every other parent does the exact same thing when speaking or writing in regards to their children. What kind of mom would I be if I went around and said, "Oh, she's just average"? Good moms are proud moms. And I would like to think that I am a pretty good mother. Not perfect by any means, but not bad for a first timer.
Secondly, when it comes to parenting, I firmly believe that each child is different and, as such, each parenting style will differ. I surmise this will be true child to child.I am a first time mom, I'll give you that, but the beauty of "the first time" is that I get to grow and learn what works for me.
I am not opposed to advice in general. People can give me pointers if they want, just expect that I will take everything with a grain of salt. I'll dig through the loads of advice and decide whether or not it applies to Esther.
What I truly reject is people getting into my face and telling me that "this is how it has to be done." Infants are not similar enough that the same parenting methods can be used for all of them. You are oblivious to the uniqueness of human beings if you think this is the case.
I am not trying to discourage people from posting comments on my blog. I will moderate to a certain degree, but, really, if you feel the need to comment on something I have written, please do. I will, however, comment back from time-to-time.
For my family members, I apologize that this post is not really related to you or to my immediate family. I wanted to make a defense against what I believe is an unfair estimation of my parenting skills. Esther is developing wonderfully and, in my eyes, is a perfect, wonderful child.
Thank you,
Feb 18, 2009
Lessons Learned about Parenting
That being said, I would like to take a moment to share little lessons I have learned since Esther entered the world:
- Mommy and Daddy really do know what's best - despite the best intentions of other people, it really does boil down to the fact that, as the parents, we know our children well enough to know how to work with them. As long as we're not endangering our child or being reckless (as I have seen people be), we generally learn pretty quickly what does and does not work with our baby.
- All babies are not created equal - I am not insinuating that one baby is less than the other. What I mean by this is that my child will never be like another peron's child. This lesson kind of accompanies my previous one in that what worked for one person's kid won't necessarily work for mine (hence the reason I get frustrated with unsolicited advice...sorry). It also means that we cannot really compare personalities and question "why is my child fussier than theirs?" In reality, Esther is perfect in my eyes. And Joe Schmo's little one is perfect in his eyes. God gifted us with our children and, despite their differences, they are all precious and wonderful.
- Babies are smarter than we give them credit - Okay, let me rephrase that - Esther is smarter than I thought she would be. Gosh, it gets to me some times how quickly she catches onto things. Which leads me into the next lesson...
- Real parenting doesn't start at a year - Where did I get the idea that it would? I was naive enough going into this to believe that my cute, cuddly angel would remain angelic forever. The problem is that I didn't count on how quickly bad behavior is learned. Mind you, I am not a supporter of "crying it out." Crying it out just seems cruel for one as young as Esther and, besides, it doesn't work well for her (she'll literally scream for hours if I let her). But I am learning that I cannot reinforce Esther's bad behavior by giving into her fits. Tim and I haven't quite found the perfect method just yet (and we disagree in some areas...hey, we're not perfect), but we're working on it. Hopefully we'll get it panned out before Esther is a year.
- At the end of the day, the parents are the ones she wants - I remember being concerned, when Esther was first born, that she would not realize I was her mommy. I was tired, stressed, and emotional and, in that state, thought she might wonder who the crazy woman nursing her was and then cling to someone else. I worried about returning to work and losing the bond I had with her. I have discovered, though, that the bond I have with my daughter is undeniable. At the end of the day, I think she would rather be with me than anywhere else and that doesn't bother me in the least.
- Mom's and Dad's play different roles and that's okay - For a while, I was a little jealous of the relationship between Esther and Tim. I loved that they were close and that they played so wonderfully together. But I noticed that Esther doesn't interact with me the way she does Tim. It bothered me for a while until I realized that I am just as important to her as her daddy; it's just that my role in her life is different. I play more of the nurturing role - I'm the one that feeds her and calms her. We spend time cuddling and I can get her to sleep at night like no one else. I am finally seeing that it is okay for Tim and I to approach our relationship with Esther differently. She needs a balance of both sides and I'm really enjoying the mommy role. And I'm really enjoying watching Tim develop as a daddy! I don't think anyone in the world could do better than him (well, expect for my daddy. I'd say Tim and dad are equal in my mind).
I know that I will learn many lessons over the next 18 years. The biggest one I dread is learning how to let go. I'm already learning that to a small extent. Something as simple as letting her learn to sit unsupported or roll across the room is difficult for me. I want so bad to help! But I know that it is also important for Esther to drive her own development a little. I'm just not looking forward to the day she really breaks out on her own!
Until that time, however, I will enjoy the things she'll end up teaching me and I'll take advantage of these years where she really relies on me.
I love my little girl, I love my wonderful husband, and I love being a mommy!
Feb 17, 2009
Video of Esther Laughing
As promised, here is some video of Esther laughing. She was playing on the floor with Tim when I caught this on camera. It really brightens my day when she laughs!
Very rarily do we capture it with any kind of video. We even have a difficult time getting her to smile for the camera. Our little bug knows that we want her to act a certain way when we take out our cameras and will stop smiling as soon as she see it. I love her :)
Esther is 4 months! And other new developments
Today is Tim's 26 birthday. Yes, I am older than him, a fact that he likes to point out often. We are planning on spending a quiet evening at home tonight. We'll be eating stuffed peppers (Tim's new favorite...he keeps requesting it) and yellow cake with cream cheese frosting. I'm hoping I can get everything done before midnight :) I am very excited to give him his presents...I'll post later about what I got him :) (not that he really reads this blog, but you know how it goes).
Also - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I love you! Thank you for all of your love and support. You have been a blessing to me and are now a blessing to my family! May this be a wonderful day for you and an even better year! (Mom and Tim share a birthday...it was a very funny coincidence!)
Okay, now onto our baby updates:
Esther turned four months yesterday! It is so hard to believe that it has been four months since our little girl entered this world. So much has changed in such a short time. She went from being this barely active (yet incredibly cute and sweet) newborn, to being this incredibly active, opinionated little baby (who is so beautiful and sweet that I nearly cry from happiness every time I look at her).
She received her four month shots last night and was very brave. She cried a little when the nurse gave the shots, but not nearly as much as she did at her two month appointment. And she got over the shock fairly quick, which helped me too. I nursed her before and after and I think it might have eased things a bit. It also helped to have her daddy there to hold her during her shots. Trust me, I am not the best around needles! Especially when they are being given to my child.
But now our baby is once again protected against certain diseases and I am happy about that!
The doctor said she is very healthy and also mentioned that our daughter seems to be at a six month plus level (ahead of a lot marks for her age - she's rolling both ways, standing for short times, chattering away, etc.). This is partially why Esther has been getting so fussy whenever Tim and I are away from her. According to Dr. Amy, because Esther is proving to be ahead, she's likely going through separation anxiety (the realization that mommy and daddy aren't always near by) at an early age. Most often, little ones don't experience this until 6 to 9 months, when they become more aware of their surroundings and their parents proximity to them.
I have no idea how we managed to have such a smart daughter, but we do and it kind of scares me. Okay, I am being a little sarcastic, but it really does make me wonder how it will be handling a smart cookie like Esther who figures things out very quickly!
Anyway, on other fronts, Esther has finally managed to roll over completely in her sleep, in spite of the little bumpers at her side in the bassinet. She did this last night. It is cute and worrisome at the same time. As most know, tummy sleeping is not recommended for infants under one year due to an increased risk of SIDS. Tim and I have held a pretty tight line with this, because we do not want to endanger our child. Still, we can't stop her from doing it herself, especially when we're asleep. So, I will just trust that God is watching out for our little one. Besides, she is a stubborn, strong little girl and I believe that she isn't really at high risk (not that I will let my guard down).
We still plan to back sleep her every time and hope that she'll stay in that position (not likely). She didn't turn over until about an hour before we woke up this morning, so it wasn't too long on her belly. Besides, she looked so incredibly cute when we woke up this morning.
She just keeps getting cuter by the day. I didn't think it was possible, but between Tim and Esther, my heart grows fuller by the hour. I love them both so much!
Well, I will sign off for now. I've done enough bragging for a few days. I love you all! Enjoy the pictures below of Esther and Tim. The one of Tim was taken at the Shrine of St. Theresa on Saturday. It was wonderfully sunny and the walk to the point was warm. We looked over the cliff's edge and were entertained by a huge group of sea lions frolicking in the water. It was a blast to watch! Plus, we got to meet a lot of interesting people out there (many from out of town), which is always fun!
Esther sleeping this morning

Practicing standing with daddy. She prefers standing these days...
Our valentine's day walk...what a great day!
Feb 11, 2009
New Pictures and Esther's Latest Hits!
Esther has been a joy, as always. The more alert she gets, the less she wants to sleep. She's still sleeping through most of the night (waking every once and a while for a feeding), but her daytime naps are fewer and farther in between. This makes working with her a little more interesting because she's awake and wanting to distract me with her cuteness. It works! I still get things done, but it is a challenge balancing the two! So worth it, though!
She's a little charmer in the office. Everyone takes breaks (several) just to come over and see if they can get her to smile. My little smiley etertains them to no end with her big grins and curious looks. She's a lot more secure with my coworkers, although she still has to make sure I'm within arms reach of her. It makes me feel very special!
Anyway, on to the pictures! See how big she is getting?!
Baby girl asleep at the office. Snoozing after her long hours in front of the computer :)
Daddy and baby enjoying story time tonight...she really gets into reading and will even turn the page for us!
Little bug practicing her balancing skills...she discovered that she likes the big ball (almost as much as I did when trying to induce labor :)).
Feb 5, 2009
We're So Blessed!
I do not know these people personally, but have, at one point or another, happened across their blogs. That being said, the infants of these different families are struggling with health issues, some life threatening. Reading what these parents are having to face with their little ones really brings home how blessed Tim and I are to have such a healthy little one.
Esther is strong and stubborn. She is making strides both physically and mentally - going beyond what I would expect for her age. She is beautiful and whole. We are so absolutely blessed. I look at her and I want to cry from happiness. God has really watched out for our little girl!
I admire those people who have to fight hard to keep their babies going. I can't imagine the heart ache that goes along with that kind of battle. And I pray that God will intervene and heal those little ones! I pray that they will grow and discover the destiny He has for them. I know He is already holding them tight in His arms, caring for them during these difficult times.
We've had small battles with Esther and those moments were very trying and upsetting. Still, they were easily remedied and she is doing so well! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect child! I love her so much! She brings abundant joy to Tim and I.
Here is our daughter's latest development:
Last night she started laughing. This was the first time she managed to make the laughing sound (for a few weeks now, she's been making a gurgling sound when she got happy). It was the most uplifting sound I have ever heard. It brought tears to my eyes and made me double-over with laughter. Tim had her and was singing this stupid song that, for whatever reason, Esther really loves (it's a song titled "Paper Planes" and makes no sense...but she likes how it goes "all I want to do is...boom boom boom...and take your money. Weird :)).
He was playing with her hands and singing and she started laughing hard. She laughed for about 10 minutes, stopping only because I tried calling mom and dad so they could hear. Guess she didn't like having an audience!
Needless to say, it was a wonderful development. I can't wait to hear her laugh again!
By the way, I'm trying to download a video I took of Es and I singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." It is so cute! If I can manage to get it from my camera to my computer, I'll load it here so you can watch. She was seriously singing with me :) That song is her second favorite and we sing it all the time. Her absolute favorite mommy and baby song is "Skittermerinky Dinky Dink," the theme song from a show I liked as a child (The Elephant Show). It's dorky, but sweet. She only likes it when I sing it to her, which is VERY special for me.
Be blessed everyone!
Feb 3, 2009
Rolling Over Escapades
Feb 2, 2009
Esther Reached Her Goal!
She way lying on the floor in my parents house (we were watching the Super Bowl) and was playing with toys. I noticed she was rolling from side to side and was getting a little frustrated. I could tell she was trying to roll over and, despite my instinct to help her, I let her try it alone. After a couple of minutes of frustration, she did it!
Once her tummy hit the floor, she was all smiles and happy chatter! I was so proud! One thing can be said about Es - when she sets her mind to it, she can do anything!